Australia's rare and vulnerable species require our ongoing attention if they are to survive. eDNA allows clients to screen for their presence, define their location and estimate abundance. Managers can keep tabs on these special species without the need for intrusive surveys, capture and stress.
Australia has been dealing with a long history of species introductions, from rabbits, cats and camels to toads, insects and fishes. Screening, preventing and managing outbreaks requires regular monitoring. Newly established populations have the greatest chance of control, so a tool like eDNA just makes sense.
Developing, maintaining, removing or assessing a waterway barrier? eDNA allows pre and post development survey to capture data at a landscape scale. Extend your monitoring at lower costs and get the real picture.
Biodiversity reporting. Meeting your organisations commitments on biodiversity means undertaking field investigations and maintaining a record of species on your project or operational area. eDNA provides an opportunity to conduct regular survey without the logistical, safety or financial burdens of traditional methods.
Special ecosystems such as mound springs present a significant opportunity to screen biodiversity using species specific assay or meta-barcode techniques. With eDNA you can undertake seasonal investigations at low cost and monitor the distribution and habitat utilisation of species at and adjacent to these delicate ecosystems.
eDNA is perfectly suited to implementation as part of citizen science programs. Our citizen scientists can help extend our understanding of a system and be part of recording and managing our natural resources like never before. Extend their horizons with eDNA.
eDNA can assist waterway managers track the source of nutrient pollution within a catchment. Contributions from sewage plant outfalls, piggeries, feedlots and poultry farms can identified from their DNA signatures. With managers better placed to development mitigation and management strategies.
As custodians of their lands eDNA provides a tool whereby indigenous owners can help lead the collection of biological data, supporting their traditional understanding of the land and improving the management of Australia's biodiversity.
eDNA provides a rapid screening tool to help define the species at risk of development processes, impact pathways and footprints. Sampling can be undertaken quickly at low cost and improve the information being used to predict impacts and develop mitigation strategies.
Where, when and why species utilise habitats are important factors when defining potential impacts. eDNA survey can target specific habitats and help explain their role in supporting the broader ecosystem.
The integration of eDNA survey with dedicated spatial databases and analytical tools helps deliver decision making products straight to your the desktop. Dashboards can be developed providing ready access to data and shared with stakeholders.
eDNA can support the development of rehabilitation programs by defining pre impact conditions and establishing targets to define the success of restoration measures. Improved temporal analysis may help define when reduced impacts may be likely, allowing disruptive works to be undertaken at a period of reduced interaction with our target species..
The movement of water within and between our catchment presents a significant risk to biodiversity and ecological sustainability. Water infrastructure can be screened and the risks of translocation identified allowing engineering or management solutions to be developed.
Australia maintains a strict approach to bio security, managing our ports and airports under quarantine rules. eDNA can support screening programs for key species of concern, providing responsive and cost effective monitoring
Once-off survey (traditional or eDNA) only provides a snapshot of condition in time. The low capture cost of eDNA allows clients to implement multiple events, increasing the power of the method to build a more robust understanding of ecological communities.
Australia's waterways are home to a broad variety of animals which move within the landscape. Understanding when and where these species move can be important. eDNA is easily implemented over broad temporal and spatial scales making the identification of migration and movement a simple task.
When preparing a development program the interference with habitats may require the development of a species management plan. eDNA screening is a rapid tool used to identify the actual species within and adjacent to your project area. Develop focused plans and work with a demonstrable understanding of the risks.
Nothing is more elusive than those microfauna living within our groundwater resources. eDNA analysis presents a rapid method for determining the occurrence of these biota and system diversity. Routine reporting can be undertaken more effectively, saving time and money.
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